Roofs From The Heart Foundation Wilmington Delaware

Beacon Building Products commits roofing materials to Roofs from the Heart

The roofing supply company, Beacon Building Products, recently committed to donating supplies for (4)
homes to help further the impact of Roofs from the Heart (RFTH). RFTH’s mission is to provide quality
new roofs to those who cannot maintain the basic provision of safe and secure shelter for their family, in
order to keep the family in their home, and in their community. In partnership with Beacon and G. Fedale
Roofing and Siding, Roofs from the Heart is installing a new roof for a deserving woman in Sussex County in
September. She applied to the program last year after experiencing many struggles with the home after she
lost her husband to covid in 2021. She was overjoyed that her deteriorating roof would be replaced at no cost
to her, even more so when she found out the materials were being donated as well. Supply donations such as
this one from Beacon give the organization the ability to replace even more roofs every year. In 2023, RFTH
replaced 4 roofs, and is on pace to replace 10 roofs for 2024.

The replacement of the roof system for this homeowner will lead to a reduction in health risks associated
with damp homes, such as mold and mildew, increase air quality, and eliminate ways for pests and allergens to
enter the home. It will also greatly reduce the financial burden and create a new peace of mind. It will open
an opportunity for energy upgrades and necessary repairs from the leak damage to be done on the inside of
the home.

Roofs from the Heart will be covering the costs for labor and installation, and Beacon Building Products, US
and Canada’s largest publicly traded distributor of roofing materials and complementary building products,
will donate roofing shingles and some other materials. G. Fedale is the general contractor for the organization
and offers Roofs from the Heart discounts on their roof replacement contracts.

Roofs from the Heart works with other nonprofit home repair organizations within the state. The goal is to
further their collective missions to help disadvantaged community members who are living in substandard
living conditions. They hope to create safe and secure homes, reduce health risks, reduce financial burdens,
improve energy efficiency, and improve neighborhoods and communities. Roofs from the Heart is a
nonprofit organization that was founded by G. Fedale Roofing and Siding, one of the state’s most reputable
roofing companies. Roofs from the Heart received their 501(c) 3 tax exempt status in July 2023 and
immediately started raising funds to help impact the underserved communities in Delaware.

The concept of the roof giveaway has been in place and operated by G. Fedale Roofing and Siding since
2016: it was after considerable need, interest, and growth that they decided to form their own organization.
This collaboration is part of Beacon Building Product’s growing community impact initiative, and they hope
to increase year these efforts year after year.

About Roofs from the Heart
Roofs from the Heart has a roof giveaway program for individual families in need of roof replacement as well
as collaborates with many other home emergency repair organizations for roof repair and replacement. They
feel the roof is just as important as the structure of the home, and many do not have the means to sustain
their dire home repairs. Roofs from the Heart goals are to create safe and secure homes, reduce health risks,
increase energy efficiency, and improve neighborhood and communities. They work in low- to- moderate
income households, focusing on disadvantaged and underserved populations.

Roofs from the Heart accepts applications for the roof replacement program on their website, They also accept donations here as well.

Please check out their website (above) as well as our YouTube channel to view some of our compelling
stories of those they have impacted.

About Beacon Building Products
Headquartered in Herndon, Virginia, Beacon is the largest publicly traded distributor of roofing materials and
complementary building products in the United States and Canada. They are among the oldest and most
established distributors in the industry.

Beacon is a leading provider of commercial and residential roofing, siding, windows, decking, insulation,
specialty lumber, waterproofing, and air barrier systems to the North American building industry. They have
supported contractors who rely on them to help them save time and build more for nearly 100 years.
“Beacon’s values drive everything that we do. Living our values necessitates operating as a responsible
corporate citizen and building the path to a more diverse and sustainable future. Our commitment to
building, not just more, but better – for our employees, customers, communities, and the environment – is
rooted in our values of Do the Right Thing, Put People First and Never Stop Building…”