Roofs From The Heart Foundation Wilmington Delaware

Roofs from the Heart begins work towards their commitment to Southbridge Community

Wilmington, DE (December 2023)- Roofs from the Heart is a nonprofit organization that was founded by G.
Fedale Roofing and Siding, one of the state’s most reputable roofing companies. Roofs from the Heart
received their 501(c) 3 status in July 2023 and immediately agreed to help impact the Southbridge Community
Development group (SBCDC) in their efforts to beautify the Southbridge neighborhood in Wilmington.

Roofs from the Heart’s mission is to provide quality new roofs to those who cannot maintain that basic
provision of safe and secure shelter for their families, in order to keep the family in their home, and in their
community. The concept of the roof giveaway has been in place and operated by G. Fedale since 2016, it was
after considerable need, interest, and growth that they decided to form their own organization.
SBCDC has begun to address key issues plaguing the Southbridge community due to decades of systemic
legal, racial, and social inequities. To complement and build upon the Southbridge Wilmington Wetlands
Park, the Southbridge Neighborhood Action Plan, and the SBCDC Beautification Façade Program, which
focuses on providing fifty (50) home renovations, SBCDC proposes implementing a unique and
comprehensive energy efficiency program that improves indoor air quality and creates healthy homes, as well
as advances environmental conservation and boosts public safety efforts in twenty (20) of these same homes.

Roofs from the Heart committed to replacing 5-10 roofs for this project, totaling $100k. Due to the
donations from several anonymous donors, WSFS CARES Foundation, and D ’Huy Engineering Inc., Roofs
from the Heart is well on their way to fulfilling their commitment.

The roof assessments have been completed and the recipients will begin to have their roofs installed in Jan 2024. Work in this neighborhood will continue through spring 2024.

About Roofs from the Heart
Roofs from the Heart has a roof giveaway program for individual families in need of roof replacement as well
as collaborates with many other home emergency repair organizations for roof repair and replacement. They
feel the roof is just as important as the structure of the home, and many do not have the means to sustain
their dire home repairs. Please check out their website as well as our YouTube channel to view some of our
compelling stories of those they have impacted.

About Southbridge Community Development
The mission of the Southbridge Community Development Corporation is to create and support the local
ownership of land, labor, and capital in the community of Southbridge. The Southbridge Community
Development Corporation (SBCDC) is dedicated to improving the core conditions that will allow
Southbridge residents to thrive. The proposed Southbridge Community Development Corporation Energy
Efficiency, Healthy Homes, Environmental Conservation and Public Safety Program will enable SBCDC to
advance their objectives of advancing health and safety outcomes in the community, supporting humane
housing, and the creation of wealth-building initiatives.